Good news! We have a brand new online shop with improved services and new features.
To visit our new online shop Please click
here or vist !

We ship with Deutsche Post - DHL
Fast and reliable delivery by
Deutsche Post - DHL
Pay with PayPal
Pay with your Visa Card
Pay with your Master Card
Make secure online-payments with either
Paypal or your credit card. 
And of course, at no additional cost to you!

Got Questions?

We will be happy to answer
all your questions on the
telephone*. Call us at
+49-(0)89-2288 0024
or send us an email to
*Mo thruogh Fr from 9am till 6pm C.E.T.

Order overview

Verify and send order

Please verify the order total and the specifics regarding the billing address and, if need be, the shipping address. You can make corrections to your entry anytime by clicking on [Back] If everything's as it should be, deliver your order to us by clicking [Buy now!]. The system will send you a copy of your order via email.


Your billing address


Your shipping address

Important: Additional taxes, import duties, customs fees and other fees may incurr upon the import of goods into non-EU countries. The import of goods and the associated cost that incurr will be handled by the customer and will not be reimbursed by us. Documents, other than a commercial invoice, may be neccessay for clearance with customs. A commercial invoice is enclosed with the shipment.

NOTE: By clicking on the [Buy now] - button, your order becomes legally binding. You can find detailed legal information in our "General Terms and Conditions" section.